Gallatin County Auditor Meeting

Meeting date: 
Monday, December 17, 2018
DATE:   December 17,2018
MEETING SUBJECf:        County Attorney Meeting
LOCATION:       Commission Conference room
ATIENDEES:      Commissioners White, Skinner, &: Seifert; County Administrator Jim Doar; Chief Civil Deputy County Attorney Erin Arnold; Commission Assistant Steph Kamerman; Compliance Officer Nicole Olmstead
Discussion re: Approval of Addendum to Agreement and Stipulation for No Further Action with Gregorv Iohnson.
Commissioner Skinner made a motion to close the meeting as discussion of litigation would be taking place, in accordance to 2-3-203(4). Commissioner Seifert seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
Discussion re: General Release and Settlement Agreement between Gallatin County and NOG,
Commissioner Skinner opened the meeting. Commissioner Seifert seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried.
Discussion &: Decision re: Discussion and Decision to Appoint Janell N. Williams as Special Deputy County Attorney in State of Montana v. Scott Calvin ]ohnson. Ms. Arnold stated that the state will be handling the defense against Mr. Scott Johnson. Ms. Janelle Williams will be serving through the attorney general's office. Ms. Arnold is not aware of all of the details of this case. Mr. Doar questioned if Marty oversees the charges accrued. Commissioner Seifert made a motion to approve Ms. Janell N. Williams to represent Gallatin County for the Attorney General's Office. Commissioner Skinner seconded the motion. Discussion continued regarding the expense of the defense involved. All voted aye. Motion carried.