If you cannot find answers to your immediate questions on this website or in our "Answers to Frequently Asked Questions" to the left of this page, please email us and allow up to 5 BUSINESS DAYS for a response. It's important that you include as much information as possible in your email so that we may better assist you. At a minimum, include: 

  • Your first and last name 
  • The last 6 digits of the VIN on the vehicle 
  • Your phone number 

If you haven't heard from us within the suggested 5 business days, we're likely severely understaffed and recommend that you come into one of our offices. If you just have a question, you can start by skipping the line and speaking with someone at our express renewal desk (in either office). 

Please also understand that many title questions cannot be accurately answered without seeing the title in person. Each state has its own title layout and rules, so our clerks will need to physically inspect your title before they can give you a definitive answer to many of your questions.

Gallatin County Motor Vehicle email: