NOTIFICATION NOT RECEIVED: I didn't receive notification from your office letting me know my paperwork was received. What's up with that?

We apologize.  We generally send notification via postcard or text message letting you know that we've received your documents.  Due to the large amount of transactions that are coming into our office, we weren't comfortable sending out notices and bringing more people into the lobby than necessary, so we could properly social distance folks.  Please return to our home page and click on the link showing the list of title work we have received.  If it's been three weeks since your purchase and you haven't received any word from your dealership, please check in with them first.  If they confirm they have sent it, please ask them when and how it was delivered.  It's helpful for us to have this information when you come in so we can more efficiently locate your documents.  

You are also welcome to email us at, leaving us your name, make and model of your vehicle, last six digits of your VIN#, the date of purchase, and the name of your dealership or financial institution.