Montana Junk Vehicle Law

In 1973 the Montana Motor Vehicle Recycling and Disposal Act was enacted for the establishment, control, operation, and licensing of public and private motor vehicle wrecking facilities.  This law requires commercial and county motor vehicle storage and wrecking yards to obtain an annual license, keep pertinent records and shield their junk vehicles from public view.  This law also requires the control of junk vehicles at locations other than motor vehicle wrecking facilities.
A junk vehicle is defined as any "discarded, ruined, wrecked, or dismantled motor vehicle, including component parts, which is not lawfully and validly licensed and remains inoperative or incapapble of being driven".  A vehicle must meet all three parts of the definition to be classified as a junk vehicle.
If you have four or more junk vehicles at any one location or if you buy, sell, or deal in secondhand motor vehicle parts you are required to obtain a wrecking facility license.
What are the penalties if I don't comply with the junk vehicle law?
  • The junk vehicle statutes provide for criminal penalties of up to $250 and/or 30 days in jail.  Civil fines of up to $50 for each day of violation may also be imposed.
  • Montana was one of the leading states in enacting junk vehicle legislation.  Its primary purpose is to control junk vehicles being scattered throughout the countryside, thereby helping to preserve the beauty of our state.  This program also provides for the recycling of the junk vehicles collected so that this valuable resource may be utilized again.