Interconnect Components

Vision Statement:  Describes the current and future direction that the County will work towards in building a system of interconnected parks and trails.
Policy Document:  A document that outlines policies and procedures, standards and practices, and priorities for existing and new facilities.  The Policy Document is intended to continue to be part of the Gallatin County Growth Policy, however it is not intended to be a regulatory document.
Draft Regulation:  A document that outlines regulatory guidelines for the size, location and type of parks or trails that will be required for future growth and subdivision in the County.  The draft regulations will be designed and written to be incorporated into the Gallatin County Subdivision Regulations at such time as the Planning Board and County Commission deem it necessary.
Funding Analysis:  A document that will outline the funding needs to meet the established levels of service for parks and trails in the County and define funding options to meet those levels of service.