Pretrial Services

The program provides the courts a pretrial packet on defendants who were arrested before court that includes current personal and criminal history information, along with a Risk Assessment. The court considers the information in conjunction with the prosecutor’s and the defense counsel’s input to make an informed decision about whether release under pretrial supervision is an appropriate action.
If a court places a defendant under supervision, Pretrial Services works with the defendant to successfully comply with the court’s conditions of bail. Pretrial officers provide the structure under which the defendant determines day-to-day activities and choices. The court, at any time, may request a compliance report and thus it is to the defendant's benefit to positively participate with the pretrial program in its entirety.
Referrals and Assistance
Pretrial Officers primary focus is to ensure the defendant returns to court, do not commit new crimes and the Officers provide referral and resource information to clients to address needs such as housing, transportation, mental health, medical, alcohol and other drug counseling, and other social services.  
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